PhD comics

(c) Jorge Cham, PhD Comics

Yesterday i had a meeting with Dr. Freda Miller and Dr. David Kaplan for discussing some aspects of my thesis. Dr. Miller reveals me three “secrets” about her perception of science career:

1. She said “people said that the best times are when you’re a postdoc, but i think that the best time is when you’re a senior PhD. Low pressure, you know what to do, you know your field. It’s the best.”
OMG, I’m having fun and i had not realized that!!!

2. She confess that she has mix feelings about the career of her PhD students (specially the seniors) because she knows that they have to grow and migrate away of her maternal arms, but THEY DRIVE THE LAB, so she does not want to leave them go.
So, people, be carefull with the starring. Protect yourselves of the love of your advisors. Love kills.

3. The big-secret, she said, is “nobody think that they REALLY-REALLY run a lab”.
Wow, finally i 100% agree. But i really-really think that it can’t be worst. Don’t you?